
Review of the OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal with Steve Pelton

What Skills Do Employers Want from graduates?

Businesses hire high school and college graduates hoping they will be productive after they learn the specifics of the job.  Unfortunately, that’s frequently not happening.  Employers report that students often don’t have the skill sets they need to be effective, without a significant training period in the workplace.

So the Ohio Department of Education, Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, and employers worked together to develop a program to help students acquire 15 needed skills, while earning credits towards graduation.  The result is the OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal.

What is the OhioMeansjobs readiness seal?

Students work with three or more mentors to demonstrate proficiency in each skill in one of these environments — school, work, or in the community (usually through volunteer work).

Regardless of which of the 4 E’s you choose – enrollment in school, enlistment, employment, or entrepreneurship – having the Readiness Seal on your resume, transcript, or diploma gives you an advantage.  It shows that you already have a basic set of professional skills that lead to success in all your endeavors.

As an added benefit, becoming proficient in these skills can help improve your personal relationships with family, friends, other students, teachers, etc.

Learning more about the OhioMeansjobs readiness seal?

In this video, Steve quickly reviews each of the 15 skills.  Some are very simple, others will take more time and work.  The rewards are worth it.

Here is the list:

  • Reliability
  • Good work ethic
  • Punctuality
  • Discipline
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Professionalism
  • Learning agility
  • Critical thinking
  • Leadership
  • Creativity
  • Oral and written communication
  • Digital technology
  • Global and intercultural fluency
  • Drug-free
  • Career management

Best part — you are in control.  Begin by checking details about the OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal, downloading the necessary form, and letting your school counselor or principal know you are working toward earning your Seal.  Then find three Mentors and put together a plan and timeline to make it happen.  They will be the beginning of your Professional Network that can benefit you throughout your lifetime.

About Steve Pelton

Stephen Pelton is the President of hChoices, LLC – an Online Health and Wellness Community that helps people become happier and healthier.

Steve has over 20 years experience working with youth, seniors, and individuals that are looking to increase their life skills – through technology and education.

You can learn more about Steve and hChoices at hchoices.com.